An approach to AI / VR and human-mechanic art  
  • Biomechanic art seeks ways to find a common language between humans and machines.
  • Biomechanic art generates art pieces readable by both humans and machines.
  • Biomechanic art explores techniques wich result can generate emotions to both humans and machines.
  • Biomechanic art explores common grounds between humans and machines wich can result in shared techniques to develop art pieces.
  • Biomechanic art consideres the duality between figurative and abstract art to be outdated, and establishses thta is matter of perception instead, either macroscopic or microscopic. The macroscopic percepcion of reality will result in figurative art while the microscopic perception of reality will result in abstract art. 
  • Biomechanic art aims to be a collective art. The different elements that will be part of the art piece might be generated by individuals or by groups either of human beings or machines.
  • Biomechanic art sees all elements of an art piece being generated by a software, either by human or mechanic manipulation.

  • Dolce Far Niente_1
  • Dolce Far Niente_2
  • Deposizione High Way
  • Les Demoiselles
  • NY Masks
  • Cyborgs in Arnolfini's bed room_1
  • Cyborgs in Arnolfini's bed room_2
  • Emaus meeting
  • Hector&AndromacaXXICent

Beautiful links:

AI Art Gallery